Traveling Plans

As we travel slowly across America we plan on stopping and talking to local people and explaining why we are traveling the way we are. We will call ahead to see if the papers of the local communities would be willing to talk to us and do up an article.
> We are also going to try to find a local charity contact and see if they want to set up a event like a local trail ride and or BBQ with us or even have some of the rider’s in the community ride alongside of us for a day or two to raise money for local needs.
> As we ride we are hoping that the national news will start covering us. Raising the awareness to a national level.
> Horses can only travel 15 to 25 miles a day for three to five days before they have to take a rest day. We will try to schedule these rest days in conjunction with interviews and other events.
> There is exciting times ahead and I hope you will join us in Raising Awareness for the Hungry Children of America

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